Dyson technology. For a cleaner, more hygienic working environment.
Reassuring anyone working in an office that their workplace is clean and hygienic has never been more important.
Teams of Dyson scientists, engineers and microbiologists have developed air purification, hand drying and floorcare technology to ensure the office is hygienically clean.
Air purification
Automatically senses, captures and traps pollutants for cleaner air. Dyson purifiers are fully sealed to HEPA H13 standard,1 preventing pollutants from leaking back into the air. So what goes inside, stays inside.
Hand dryers
Hygienically dries hands with clean air. Without paper waste. Touch-free sensors detect the presence of hands to trigger the release of HEPA-purified air. Eliminating the need for single-use paper towels, while creating a better environment in your restrooms and the world outside.
Cordless vacuums
Up to 120 minutes run time.2 To keep you in control of deep cleans in your working environment.
Dyson purifiers

Dyson purifiers. Designed for business.³ Engineered to help improve office air quality.
Airborne pollutants can build-up in your office.
Dyson purifiers capture allergens, VOCs and the Influenza A Virus (H1N1).⁴ The sealed HEPA H13 filter captures gases and 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. Our catalytic filter continuously destroys formaldehyde.⁵
Cooling you with purified air. To create a comfortable working environment.
Dr Gareth Morris, Science and research manager at Dyson explains Dyson purifiers.
Dyson air purification for the workplace
Three phases of purification sit within our fully-sealed filtration and airflow system. To trap pollutants inside, removing them from the air. Giving you reassurance that what goes inside, stays inside.
Formaldehyde can emit from many types of furniture and flooring over time. Dyson's catalytic filter continuously converts it into water and CO₂ – and never needs replacing.
Senses and reports
Integrated sensors constantly analyze your air, while our unique algorithm cross-checks data every second. It diagnoses pollutants at a molecular level, displaying live results on the LCD screen.
Capture VOCs
Using office equipment such as printers can lead to an increase in VOC emissions. The advanced sensors at the heart of Dyson purifiers automatically detect while filters capture and trap them. Removing them from the air.
Influenza A Virus (H1N1)
Germs in a sneeze can travel over 20 feet. Dyson purifiers are proven to capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. While removing the influenza A Virus (H1N1).⁴
Cools you
In warmer weather, a powerful stream of purified airflow can cool you down.

Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers

Touch-free hand dryers with HEPA filtration
Damp hands can transfer up to 1,000 times more bacteria than dry hands.⁶
Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers are engineered to dry hands hygienically. Improving hand hygiene throughout the workplace.
Dr Gareth Morris, Science and research manager at Dyson talks through Dyson Airblade.
Dyson Airblade™ hand dryers for the office
Sensors automatically detect the presence of hands, triggering the release of HEPA-purified air.
Fast dry times
Designed for busy restrooms, fast dry times of 10-14 seconds⁷ help to reduce wait times in the restroom.
Hygienically dries hands with clean air
The HEPA filter captures 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns.
Acoustically engineered
Dyson Airblade 9kJ hand dryer is acoustically tuned to reduce noise and minimize disturbance without compromising performance.
No paper waste
The Dyson Airblade 9kJ hand dryer produces up to 88% fewer CO₂ emissions than single-use paper towels⁸ and costs up to 99% less to run.⁹ Creating a better environment in your restrooms and the world outside.
Hygienic and independently proven safe¹⁰
Independent testing has proven the hygienic Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer to be safe. Without the waste.
Dyson cordless vacuums

Extra run time. Powerful suction. Designed for business.
Powerful Dyson suction to deep clean your workplace. With twice the suction of any cordless vacuum.¹¹
With up to 120 minutes of run time.² To keep you in control of deep cleans in your working environment.
Listen to Dr Gareth Morris, Science and research manager at Dyson on Dyson vacuums.
Dyson cordless vacuums for business
Up to 120 minutes run time²
Two interchangeable click-in batteries provide up to 120 minutes of fade-free suction² to clean everywhere around your office.
Extra battery + filter
The V11™️ Pro comes with an extra battery and filter to ensure your vacuum stays at maximum operating efficiency. Click-in batteries can be charged on or off the machine.
High Torque cleaner head for powerful floor cleaning
An integrated digital motor spins the brush bar up to 60 times a second. It drives stiff nylon bristles deep into carpet to remove dirt, and carbon fiber filaments capture fine dust on hard floors.
Larger and improved battery
Our most powerful battery is larger, with high-capacity, nickel-cobalt-aluminum chemistry to help deliver 20% more suction power than the Dyson Cyclone V10 vacuum.¹¹
Whole-machine filtration
The fully-sealed filtration system traps 99.99% of particles, as small as 0.3 microns - expelling cleaner air.¹²
Acoustically engineered
Designed to absorb vibrations and dampen noise, to keep sound levels down.
Also available in the Dyson for business range

Why choose Dyson for business
¹ 99.95% efficiency with particulate challenge per EN1822 in a chamber per ASTM F3150.
² In Eco mode on hard floor. Run time will vary based on power mode, floor type and/or attachments used. 120 minutes run time is based on consecutive use of two separate battery packs.
³ Business SKU features longer cord and extra remote.
⁴ We challenged our purifier with airborne Influenza A Virus (H1N1) at an independent lab. After 60 minutes at maximum fan speed, the airborne concentration in the chamber was reduced by 99%. Real-life efficacy may vary.
⁵ Third party full machine testing based on GB/T 18801-2015 formaldehyde cumulative clean mass testing with continuous injection until plateau of formaldehyde CADR is achieved. Results may vary in practice.
⁶ D. R. PATRICK, G. FINDON and T. E. MILLER: Residual moisture determines the level of touch-contact-associated bacterial transfer following hand washing, Epidemiol. Infect. (1997): 119, 319-325.
⁷ Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
⁸ The environmental impact of electrical appliances and paper towels was measured by Carbon Trust. The calculations were produced using the software Footprint Expert Pro, based on product use over 5 years and using weighted averages of individual countries of use. Dry times for product were evaluated using DTM 769.
⁹ Average electricity price $0.1/kWh as of July 2021. For calculations visit www.dyson.com/calcs
¹⁰ Based on findings in a 2019 study by Suen et al. published in Scientific Reports, and a separate independent study of particles (≥0.3 microns) and bacteria in air during hand drying, conducted by a third-party laboratory.
¹¹ Tested in boost mode at the cleaner head to ASTM F558, dust-loaded.
¹² In boost mode. All other modes achieve at least 99.97% filtration.