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Frequently asked questions

Is this a warm air hand dryer?

No. Warm air hand dryers can encourage the growth of bacteria dried into hands. The Dyson Airblade V does not use heating elements, and features a HEPA filter as standard that captures 99.97% of particles,³ from the restroom air, before they are blown onto hands. 

Can this be used in an accessible restroom?

The Dyson Airblade V hand dryer is ADA compliant.

Do I need a backplate for this machine?

Backplates are required for porous walls.

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    • 1 Dry time determined using Dyson test method 769 based on NSF P335 using a measurement of 0.1g residual moisture.
    • 2 Loudness reduction compared to the original Dyson Airblade V hand dryer.
    • 3 HEPA filter tested to IEST-RP-CC001.6, by an independent testing laboratory, under prescribed test conditions.
    • 4 Average electricity price $0.1/kWh as of July 2021. For calculations visit
    • 5 The environmental impact of electrical appliances and paper towels was measured by Carbon Trust. The calculations were produced using the software Footprint Expert Pro, based on product use over 5 years and using weighted averages of individual countries of use. Dry times for product were evaluated using DTM 769.